Book A Consultation Wales

Book Your Consultation today for dedicated time, personalised treatment plan and understand the best that you need to receive the optimal results in the shortest amount of time. 

Consultation FAQs Wales

Why Do I Have To Pay £15.00?

Our consultants are very busy people so we allocated an dedicated time for customers to explain their requirements and for us to validate and discuss those requirements in detail takes time.

Therefore we charge for this service, if you make a booking with us the £15.00 is deducted from the treatment cost.

What Treatments Require A Paid Consultation?

We always need to see the legions and video call consultation enable us and you to be perfectly comfortable with a treatment plan.

Any weight loss or skin tightening related

We need to discuss in detail with customers their requirements and specify a plan.

This can be done much more effectively with a video call

Aqualyx fat injections

A consultation is essential for accurate treatment for your area of concern

We Cannot Do These Treatments Without Consult
We cannot undertake this treatment without a video consultation

Treatments for children

If the child in under 16 we need both the child and the parent available for the video consultation.

How Much Does It Cost?

The cost of your consultation is just £15 – this will be deducted from your treatment session once booked and completed.

How Long Does It Take?

The consultation will take between 10 to 20 minutes maximum

Can I Choose When I Have The Consultation?

yes – we work around your schedule – if evenings and weekends are easier we are happy to call then.

Please let us know times that suit you.

Are Treatment Dates Flexible?

yes – we ask for 3 or 4 dates that maybe suitable for you and we can work around those dates to get you booked in – we can even offer some treatments from your home if you are unable to travel.

Do I Have To Book There And Then?

No – you are in control of all decisions made.

If you need to check dates in your diary we can follow up at a later time – but 98% of clients are happy to book on the day and have a tailor made treatment plan.