Non surgical age spot removal with Lipo Freeze 2 U, using Cryopen freezing technology.


Everybody wants to have a beautiful and glowing skin. Unfortunately, we can suffer from skin issues due to factors in our environment. Among these skin, issues are age spots. Age spots can sometimes affect the confidence level of an individual.

After treatment the dead skin cells will shed naturally.

Our skin pigmentation treatment for solar lentigines, unwanted pigmentation, black spots, brown spots & pigmented lesion includes a skin analysis and tailored treatment plan.

The benefit of cryopen is that there is minimal downtime in treatment sessions.

Fortunately, with Lipofreeze 2 U, there is hope to bring back your confidence through our age spots removal service.

Liver spots, sun damage, pigmentation issues, acne scars, and sun spots can all be removed safely with cryopen treatment. Perfect for every skin type and skin tone.

Even the most uneven skin tone can benefit from our treatment plan, to create an even skin tone and gain better skin health.

We can offer a free consultation over the phone to determine the best treatment for you.

age spot removal TREATMENT Wales FAQS

age spot removal

What are the symptoms of age spots? 

They are black and brown in color. If you observed that there is a sudden change in the color of your skin, it is best to consult a derma consultant.  Which they don’t cause any type of pain.

How to prevent age spots ?

You can’t always avoid age spots, but you can do something to minimize its development. You must prevent the sun between 10 am to 3 pm.

You must also use a sunscreen with SPF daily. Lastly, you can apply sunscreen before exposing your skin to the sun.

Can Treatment Reduce or Remove Age Spots?

Yes, With us at Lipofreeze 2 U we offer a simple procedure to eliminate your age spots without huge time or financial commitment. Cryoptherapy is am amazing non-surgical process that keeps pain and side effects at a minimum.

How Does It Remove Pigmentation?

Our cryotherapy is an effective way for age spots removal. In this process, a cotton-tipped swab is used for applying a freezing agent or liquid nitrogen. It is done to eliminate the extra pigment. Your skin will look lighter as the area heals. The freezing will be applied to every age spot to achieve a clear skin. See more about us!

Why Do People Get Marks/ Spots?

You can get marks or age spots if you are exposed too much to the harmful rays of the sun. Therefore, you must not use tanning beds frequently.

How To Get Diagnosed

They can be diagnosed with the help of a derma consultant normally with a skin biopsy.

Skin biopsy can be conducted to determine age spots from other skin conditions like lentigo maligna, which is a skin cancer type. In this procedure, a small sample of skin is used for a microscopic analysis. A local aesthetics is used during the skin biopsy.

Age spots can also be determined through visual inspection. It is recommend that you consult with a skin  specialist for a diagnosis.

Where Age Spots Tend To Appear

Age Spots can be developed across many different parts of your body. They can be developed in the back, face, forearms, and other areas.

Do you want to have a flawless skin? Try our age spots removal today! 

Our Guaranteed Results

We guarantee the best results for blemish removal.

Lipo Freeze2u is among the most trusted blemish removal companies in the U.K with 10 years experience and many testimonials from happy customers who have tried and tested our services.

Our Cryopen treatment is a technique that is safe for both men and women and does not have any side effects. Learn more about Cryopen and its benefits here.